Budget hours can be entered into the system manually or by import from an Excel file. The data is entered in the structure element object, e.g. Department -> Store, in the form of a table for the whole year.

This element can be accessed by the HR department, which will enter the data. They can be entered for several years forward and several years back. To import them using an xls file, start the ORG application and click the Imports button.
In the next step, select the type of form BUDGETS and indicate for which element of the structure you want to import the budget, in the example below it is a UNITS.

After selecting a file from disk, the system compares the first few lines to verify the correctness of the data.

The structure of the imported file:
Code – code of the structure element, e.g. department code
Name – the name of the structure element, e.g. the name of the department
Year – the year for which you are importing the budget
Months – months for which budgets are imported