To generate a Request for time off in exchange for overtime work, select the CREATE THE LEAVE REQUEST from the CREATE DOCUMENT menu in the MY DOCUMENTS component.
You can also submit a request from the absences view, click on the NEW ABSENCE button.
In the selection list, indicate the appropriate type of absence, in this case – Overtime compensation.

Then indicate on whose behalf you can create a request for overtime collection, the application allows you to create a request:
– At the request of the employee
For 1 overtime worked, the employee is entitled to 1 hour off. Therefore, when applying for a day off in the amount of 8 hours, you will settle for 8 hours of overtime.

– At the request of the employer
For 1 overtime worked, the employee is entitled to 1:30 hours off. Therefore, when applying for a day off in the amount of 8 hours, you will settle for 5:20 hours of overtime.

Regardless of the form of request chosen (at the request of the employee or the request of the employer), the further processing of the request is the same.
After generating the request, the system will display a list of overtime possible to compensate in the selected time range.

In the case of full-day pickups, the system proposes to pick up the so-called “mid-week” overtime (with the annotation WORK ON DAY OFF).
If you want to request compensation for several hours (incomplete working day), under RANGE, select the HOURLY variant and specify the range of hours to be covered.

NOTE: When an hour range is selected, overtime worked on a day off is NOT displayed in the list.
Each time you change the dates or times in the Scope section, the system recalculates and indicates the list of available overtime.

The OVERTIME item displays the number of overtime hours available in a given settlement period and the number of days to be compensated for work on days off.

The request is now ready, and you can send it for approval.