To create a business trip request, click the CREATE DOCUMENT button in MY DOCUMENTS section, located in user Dashboard,
or CREATE DOCUMENT button on the left side of the top bar and select the appropriate type of business trip.
NOTE: If the user does not have access rights to select a specific type of business trip, the list will not expand, but the request form will open immediately after clicking on the button.
In the selection list, select domestic or foreign trip.
Fill in the start and end dates and times first,
and the purpose of the trip, which you can type in or select from a list.
If you select a purpose that requires additional description, then a field will appear that needs to be completed.
In the next step, select a city by clicking the + button.
This will display a list in which, first of all, you should select a country.
and enter the city. The currency will be set automatically.
In the case of a domestic business trip, the list of countries will not appear, you will be able to enter the city right away.
In the CURRENCY section, click the calendar icon and select the day of the exchange rate, which will automatically appear in the CURRENCY window (it is taken from national bank data).
Clicking on the COURSE button will display a list where you can:
– refresh the exchange rate according to the selected date,
– refresh the exchange rate by the current date
– open the national bank exchange rate page.
NOTE: It is not possible to select a rate with a future date, as the currencies on the national bank’s website update each day around noon.
To add another city, click the + icon in the CITIES section.
Choose a country from the selection list
and enter the city.
Ten blok zawiera nieoczekiwaną lub niepoprawną treść.
Spróbuj przywrócić blok
Set the exchange date next.
To select a means of transportation, click the + icon in the MEANS OF TRANSPORT section.
Select the appropriate item from the list and confirm with the OK button.
In the case of a company car, once approved, the car database will be displayed, from which the appropriate item should be selected.
You can add or remove more cars by pressing + or – accordingly.
If you choose a private car, complete the details of the car.
To add an advance payment, click + in the ADVANCE PAYMENT section,
Select the appropriate advance payment currency from the list and confirm with OK button.
Enter the advance payment amounts in the value column.
In the ADVANCED PAYMENT METHOD column, select the form in which you want to receive the advance payment.
In the column ADVANCE PAYMENT DATE click on the calendar icon and select the date by which you should receive the advance payment.
Note: the selected method of payment will affect the method of settlement of the advance.
Send the finished request for approval.