To create a business trip request, click the CREATE DOCUMENT button in MY DOCUMENTS section, located in user Dashboard and select CREATE BUSINESS TRIP REQUEST.
In the selection list, select domestic or foreign trip.
Fill in the start and end dates and times first,
and the purpose of the trip, which you can type in or select from a list.
If you select a purpose that requires additional description, then a field will appear that needs to be completed.
In the next step, select a city by clicking the + button.
This will display a list in which, first of all, you should select a country.
and enter the city. The currency will be set automatically.
In the case of a domestic business trip, the list of countries will not appear, you will be able to enter the city right away.
In the CURRENCY section, click the calendar icon and select the day of the exchange rate, which will automatically appear in the CURRENCY window (it is taken from national bank data).
NOTE: It is not possible to select a rate with a future date, as the currencies on the national bank’s website update each day around noon.
To add another city, click the + icon in the CITIES section. Choose a country from the selection list and enter the city, like in the steps shown above.
To select a means of transportation, click the + icon in the MEANS OF TRANSPORT section.
Select the appropriate item from the list and confirm with the OK button.
In the case of a company car, once approved, the car database will be displayed, from which the appropriate item should be selected.
You can add or remove more cars by pressing + or – accordingly.
If you choose a private car, complete the details of the car.
To select a means of transportation, click the + icon in the MEANS OF TRANSPORT section.
Select the appropriate item from the list and confirm with the OK button.
In the case of a company car, once approved, the car database will be displayed, from which the appropriate item should be selected.
You can add or remove more cars by pressing + or – accordingly.
If you choose a private car, complete the details of the car.
A business trip request or settlement can be approved in three ways:
– from the FOR APPROVAL view in the BUSINESS TRIPS application, where you should select the relevant documents for acceptance and click the APPROVE button.
– From the user’s dashboard, in the DOCUMENTS FOR APPROVAL component, select the BUSINESS TRIPS tab and mark the appropriate documents for approval.
You can always open the mentioned document and select the APPROVAL PATH tab, then click the APPROVE button,
confirm your intention to approve,
type the justification for the decision and confirm with the OK button.
The approved request can be found in the tab FOR SETTLEMENT. To settle the trip, click on the selected document.
Then switch to the DOCUMENT DETAILS tab and enable EDIT MODE.
If necessary, you can add a city and means of transport by clicking on the “+” next to the section name or delete by clicking on the “-” next to the item you want to remove.
If the means of transport is a private car, mileage records have to be settled.
You can read more about the settlement of vehicle mileage in the article: Mileage of the vehicle
You can correct the purpose of the trip by typing the correct purpose in the box.
The planned date, is the start and end date, which was stated in the trip request. The actual date displays the information completed in the DEPARTURE TIME section.
In the DEPARTURE TIME section, fill in the actual trip plan.
In the fields with the green arrow, enter the starting town of each stage and the date and time.
If the means of transportation indicated in the business trip request, requires the place and time of crossing the border (e.g., company car, private car, etc.). In this case, an additional line will appear (marked with a red arrow) in which enter the date, time and place of crossing the border.
NOTE: In a situation, transit or stopover in a transit country, the allowance is calculated according to the rates of the destination country. In such a situation, when inputting the date and time of entry into the destination country, enter the date and time of entry into the transit country.
In the fields marked with a blue arrow, add the destination and the date and time of arrival.
If necessary, you can adjust the advance payment by adding a new item by clicking “+”, delete by clicking “- ” next to the item, or change its value, payment method and the payment date.
The last step of settling the business trip is cost calculation.
Click the “+” button next to the name of the COST CALCULATION section to define what types of cost are to be settled.
Select the appropriate items in the list.
For detailed information on costing, see the article: Records of business trip costs
The settlement updates in the tables:
The trip settlement can be approved in two ways:
In the BUSINESS TRIPS view, select the FOR APPROVAL tab and click the appropriate item in the list.
Select the APPROVAL PATH tab, click the APPROVE button
and confirm approval.
In the Dashboard, in the DOCUMENTS FOR APPROVAL component, select the BUSINESS TRIPS tab and check the appropriate item. Click APPROVE button.
The business trip settlement is already approved and can be found in the BUSINESS TRIPS view, SETTLED tab.