
Sign in

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Sign in
Startup password
Locking of your account
Password reset


Employee data
Sensitive data
Documents for approval
Employee Management

Employee Management

Employee profile description
How to modify data in an employee profile
Employment document
Employment document description
Working time planning and settling

Working time planning and settling

Working time planning
Presentation of data from the schedule
Presentation of alerts and time scheduling errors
Completion of the schedule plan edition

Completion of the schedule plan edition

Basic informations
Move back to the planning phase
Notifications related to the planning phase
Settlement of working time

Settlement of working time

Schedule – basic informations
Schedule header
Schedule columns
Completion of the schedule settlement edition

Zakończenie edycji rozliczania terminarza

Basic informations
Roll back to the settlement phase
Notifications related to the settlement phase
Recording of actual working time

Rejestracja rzeczywistego czasu pracy

Registration of actual working time in the web application

When using I/O registration readers, the system automatically downloads logs from T&A devices and enters them into the employee’s schedule. 

In the absence of T&A readers, the user can independently register the start and end of working time. To register the start or end of working time, log in to the system and select the icon on the upper-right screen of the app. 

If you have checked the option OPEN T&A REGISTRATION AFTER LOGGING IN, the T&A registration window will be displayed automatically.

In the next step, we indicate whether we start work (INPUT button) or finish (EXIT button). 

After selecting one of the buttons, the system will register the time (input/output) that appears on the screen and the window for recording working time will automatically close. 

The same operation can be performed from a mobile device, e.g. a phone or tablet, by logging into the system and performing the same operations. 

Depending on the permissions, the Manager can register working time for individual employees or a larger group. To do this, as before, select the icon located in the upper right screen of the application. 

In the next step, in the list of employees, we mark the people for whom we want to register working time. 

Then we indicate whether we register the start of work (INPUT button) or the end (EXIT button). 

After selecting one of the buttons, the system will register the time (input/output) that appears on the screen and the window for recording working time will automatically close. 

The recorded start or end times of working time will be visible in the employee’s schedule in the Actual Time column. 

After clicking on the cell with real reflections, a list of reflections recorded in the system is displayed. If a break is recorded during the day, the system will visualize it appropriately. 

Recording of actual working time in the mobile application
Leave requests

Leave requests

How to create a leave request
Approval of leave request
Withdrawal and modification of leave request
Employee requests

Employee requests

Employee requests
How to submit an employee request
Overtime request

Overtime request

How to submit a request for overtime
Request for the use of overtime

Request for the use of overtime

How to request for the use of overtime
Working off an underwork

Working off an underwork

 How to request working off an underwork


Dynamic reports
Printout – Employee’s monthly work card (Working time records)
Export to XLS