To create a new invoice document click on the CREATE DOCUMENT button.

If the contractor is already in the database, you can find it by entering the relevant data (company name, NIP, etc.).

To add a new contractor, click the button:

You can download the company’s data from the CSO resources on the basis of the entered Tax number, REGON or KRS number. After entering the number, click the DOWNLOAD button.

Once approved, the contractor’s data will be displayed in the invoice document.

Enter the location.

Select the item. If the location you need is not in the list, click MODIFY LIST.

You can choose the type of list, on single-choice or multiple-choice. Selecting a text field, will make the invoice document will not have a selection list but a field to be typed in yourself.

Add (or delete) a location to the list and confirm.

Enter invoice number and invoice internal number

and other data (the type of other data may vary – depending on the configuration). Click the link,

select an item from the list.

You can enter the rest of the data in a similar way.

Status and payment status, are fields in which the values change automatically. STATUS refers to the status of the invoice approval workflow.
The INTEGRATIONS section allows you to integrate your invoice with other documents.

You can read more about this topic in the articles:
Integration with additional applications ( Business trips and Advance payments)
You can associate additional documents from other applications with an invoice. Click the “+” icon
Point to the application and select a specific document from it.

The tab is used to complete the details of the document.

In the DETAILS section, enter the dates of issue, sale, receiving, and payment deadline.

To enter a date, click the calendar icon and select a day.
Indicate in which month the invoice is to be settled,

method of payment
and currency.

If necessary, select the checkout method and choose the VAT register

In the VALUE section, you enter the purchase item and its value. Click “+”.

Wpisz przedmiot zakupu i wybierz jednostkę.

Enter the quantity and net price, and the rest of the data will enter automatically (if necessary, you can correct it).