In the user permissions document, you can configure and point at the possible exceptions to the permissions that were granted to you from the specific permission scheme to which you were assigned.
On the Calendar View tab, we define access to individual elements of the structure (Department, Faculty, Section, Team, Subassembly, etc.).
By selecting VIEW ABSENCES, you can grant permission to view absences in a calendar view.
By permission – Displays absences to which the users have access, such as their absences and the absences of their subordinates or those assigned to the department the user supervises.
By structure – Displays absences from structure elements (Department, Department, Section, Team, Subassembly) that have been assigned to the user.
In case of absence, the data defined in the schema is displayed, and if “Additional permissions” are specified, these are sourced from this field. It has a higher priority.
By selecting USER, you can define the proper access to vacation requests displayed on the calendar for the unit the employee is assigned to. The same parameterizations can be made for the remaining elements of the structure: Faculty, Section, Team, Subassembly, and others.
For each structure element, a breakdown was applied to the data resulting from the assigned schema and to individual data that was defined for a specific user.
Schema-based permissions– elements resulting from the assigned scheme.
Additional permissions – Items assigned to the specified user.
By clicking on the “View Selected” box, you can view the elements the users have defined to display on their calendars.