Under specific contractual arrangements and based on applicable legal regulations, it is possible to provide work in various forms. If the need arises to temporarily or periodically change the frame form of work – it should be reported with the appropriate request. Permissible forms of work provision depend on the mode of employment and other arrangements in your organization. Detailed information about the forms of work provision available to you and your team will be obtained from your HR department. Remember that in each case it is necessary to approve your requested changes in the form of work
To request a form of work performed, go to the LABOR -> REQUESTS view and select CREATE DOCUMENT and then select the appropriate type of request: WORK PERFORMED FORM REQUEST

You can also request the form of work performed the from employee portal (dashboard), select CREATE SCHEDULE REQUEST from the DOCUMENTS menu.


Enter the period you want to request and select the form of work to be performed. In this example, it is the HOME OFFICE. After completing the data, confirm it with the OK button.

The data entered in the previous steps will be displayed in the request form.

In the same way, you can request the form of work performed at another time. To do so, click the “+” icon.

Select the date, work performed form and confirm with the OK button.

Fill in the COMMENTS fields in the DOCUMENT DETAILS section.

The request is now ready, and you can send it for approval.