To do this, select the appropriate cells (as at the planning stage) and click on the EDIT SCHEDULES button located in the lower right corner of the application.
Depending on the stage of circulation of the schedule document (e.g. the planning or settlement phase), an additional window may appear in which we will be able to indicate what operation we want to perform: modification of the Working Time Schedule or modification of the Working Time Records. In this case, we indicate the option Working time records (modification of the worked time).
If only one of the columns Working Time Plan or Working Time Records is possible to change at a given level of document circulation, then the above window will not be displayed.

In the next step, we can modify the hours worked or indicate absence on a given day. On the first tab WORKING TIME we modify the working time hours.

On the second tab ABSENCE we indicate the absence code.

The system will perform the same operations as in the case of modifying data directly from the scheduler.