To find a business trip for settlemen, open the Business trip module, find the proper item in the view categories and open it by clicking on its tile. Enable edit mode by pressing the stylus icon.

If any of the previous data (date and time of the hour and return, purpose of the trip, destinations, means of transportation or advanc payments) has changed, you can correct it. Press the stylus button next to the data and re-enter it, as described in the article Creating a Business trip equest.
Complete the departure time table. You have to provide the times of departure and arrival at each point of the trip. In addition, if you have chosen a means of transport other than airplane, it is required to provide the time and place of crossing the border
To switch to another stage, click the icon symbolizing the selected means of transportation. You can also add an item by pressing the ‘+’ button and defining whether it should be added at the beginning or end of the list, and delete it by pressing the ‘-‘ button in the red square.
In the COST CALCULATION section, you add any costs related to the business trip (e.g., mileage records, lump sum for overnight stay, highway toll, etc.). To add a cost press the ‘+’ icon and point to the relevant item. You can read more about this topic in the articles:
Fill out the approval path and send the billing to the approval workflow.