To request for a work performed form, open the LABOR -> REQUESTS view and select CREATE DOCUMENT and then the required request type -> WORK PERFORMED FORM REQUEST

You can also create a request for the work performed form from the DASHBOARD. Select the CREATE SCHEDULE REQUEST from the CREATE DOCUMENT menu in the MY DOCUMENTS component.

From the list, select WORK PERFORMED FORM REQUEST.

Select the requester.

Enter the timeframe you want to request for

and the form of performed work.

Confirm with OK button.
If you want to request a form of work to take place regularly, click the + button,

and select the proper rule.

In the next step, select the days on which the form of work performed will be repeated, with the frequency indicated in the previous step. Confirm your choice with the OK button.

The specified rule will apply to days within the indicated period.

You can preview the scheduled dates by expanding each month and, if necessary, remove individual days from the rule, which will appear under DELETED DATES.

To restore the dates, click the corresponding button.

If you want the rule to take holidays into account, check the INCLUDE PUBLIC HOLIDAYS item.

If necessary, you can add another rule to the selected form of work performed. To do this, click the + icon.

and select the next rule

or SELECTED DATES if you want to add single, non-repeating days.

By clicking on the calendar icon, enter the required dates.

The data entered in the previous steps will be displayed in the request form.

In the same form, you can request the form of work performed at another date. To do so, click the + icon.

This will display a new line in which you can select the time range, the form of work to be performed and the scheduling rules.

Note that you can’t request both hybrid and remote work in one day. You can add an on-call job, or several on-call jobs, to each of these jobs, as long as their hourly range does not interfere with each other.
Fill in the COMMENTS fields in the DOCUMENT DETAILS section. The request is now ready and you can send it for approval.