It is possible to set a priority – default restriction, or exception for a defined group of employees. To do so, open the ORG application configuration ( similar to the SCP configuration) on the ADVANCED tab. Scroll to the DEFAULT VALUES AND EXCEPTIONS section and click on the RESTRICTIONS OF FORMS OF WORK PERFORMED tab.

Click on RESTRICTIONS OF FORMS OF WORK PERFORMED, select the relevant item (or few) from the list and confirm with OK.

To add an exception click +.

In the first column, you select the category by which employees will be assigned.
In the second column, indicate a specific group of employees. By the category “Person” you can select from the list of specific-persons.

For the POSITION category, there are specific positions to choose from.

The ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES category allows you to select a specific structure.

There is also a SYSTEM OF RULES category, for which you can select a group of employees who are assigned a particular scheduling rule system.

You can also define a group of employees through the GRADE CATEGORY category.

and by the WORKING TIME category.

In the last column you assign the forms of work performed restriction.

For the parameters defined in this way, the FORMS OF WORK PERFORMED restriction will be automatically saved in the employment document for new employees and for the existing ones, it will ask to update them.