This tab contains settings for fields in documents and forms; configuring their availability/display at various stages and their requirement before saving or sending for approval.
To make changes, start by enabling edit mode.
Choose in which form you want to make the change:
Work off private exits
Work time registration
The FIELD EDITING section includes three subsections:
Form header
In the header of the form, in addition to the columns with the sequence number and field name, there are the following columns:
Unnamed column – allows you to select or deselect all fields, clicking on individual rows in this column will select the entire row.
Visible – checking the box in this column makes the headings visible on the form.
Mobile – is used to set which headings you want to see on the form in the mobile app.
Columns – marking a box in this row will make the column display by default in the Labor view.
Search – Marking a field in this column will result in a search option by this value in the search engine in Labor views.
XLS – fields checked in this column will be displayed in exports to XLS.
Before sending – is used to configure which headers will appear on the form before it is sent to the approval workflow.
1,2,3…10 – the headings marked in these columns will be displayed at the given stages of the approval workflow.
After workflow – the headings indicated in this column, will be displayed after the approval workflow is completed.
The same is set in the tab FORM CONTENT and ADDITIONAL fields.
The NAME tab is used to give alternative names to fields and headings in Polish and English.
To make changes, expand the list of fields (or headings) and select the relevant item.
Enter your own Polish and English field name.
The ORDER tab is used to set the order of fields in different modules of the application.
You can configure the number of fields displayed in the mobile app, just expand the list and select the desired number.
To change the order of the displayed fields, click on the appropriate item and drag it to a new location until DROP HERE appears.
This tab is used to set field requirements before saving the document or sending it to the approval workflow.
To configure, select the relevant tab.
Click on the FORM HEADER.
In the displayed list, select the relevant fields and confirm with OK button.
If you just want to remove any of the fields, click the “x” button.
The section is used to block various functions, such as submitting an request after a defined deadline.
To block the entry of employee requests, check the box, specify the day and select an option from the list.
To block editing and settling the schedule, check the box and enter the number of days.
Select one of the options to which the number of days from the previous step applies.
Check the option, in relation to the previous step.
Enter the delay time.
If necessary, mark lock exceptions.
Mark the final days of the possibility of editing schedules in a particular month.
Mark the needed options for work schedule modification. The options include blocking past and future work time modifications, tracking work schedule changes and sending notifications, and allowing you to delete the form of work being performed from the schedule if it was previously requested.
The section where validations for working time are set up
Check this option if you want the system to validate whether overtime is within the limit.
If you want validations that do not apply to a specific grade category, click the link.
and select the correct category.
In the same way, you can set an exception for a specific department.
To add a new labor code definition, click +ADD THE DEFINITION OF LC, or click the item in the list to edit.
Working hours
Select whether the definition is for a minimum or maximum number of hours,
the period to which it applies.
Enter the number of hours.
Select which stage the definition applies to
Check if you would like to be able to schedule and settle the schedule if validation detects errors related to the code definition.
In the same way, you can set definitions for rest hours and rest hours without breaks.
In the definition for overtime, additionally, there is a field that prevents data from being entered into the schedule when there is a rule error.
Saturday and Sunday off, holidays
Defining free Saturdays and Sundays looks similar to the number of hours
The exception is free Sunday every certain number of weeks, in which you specify only the number of weeks
Granting a day off for work on Saturday Sunday and a holiday
In this definition, you can configure the days on which the work done requires time off, and the number of days from the work done on which time off must be taken.
Working day lock
In the displayed window, enter the name and code (abbreviation) of the restriction. It would be best if the name reflects the specifics of the constraint.
Click the + next to the FORMS OF WORK PERFORMED column and SELECT THE FORM OF WORK.
Select the item in the displayed list.
Enter the QUANTITY of days in the selected time range.
In the same restriction document, you can add a second restriction by going through the same steps.
You can also specify for which employees of which departments the restriction should not be active.
In this section, you can run a comparison of the planned work time with the work time standard. If there is an inequality, an alert will be displayed, or the inequality will simply be displayed, depending on the checked checkboxes in the table. The first three columns are responsible for the comparison in terms of one month, and the next three columns are responsible for the comparison in terms of a longer settlement period.
If you want the comparison to be skipped for a given rule scheme, click on the link in the relevant row and column.
and select the rule scheme.
If necessary, you can enable additional validation options:
In this section you can set options for creating and deleting absences.
Check the box to disable validation of absences and overtime pickups for a user who is assigned the role ADMIN HR in the access rights.
If necessary, you can enable the ability to enter and delete absences for people who are not assigned administrative roles. Click on the link
and select absences from the list.
You can also set a time limit for the current month or for months backwards